I recently signed up for a photography blogging challenge! And for me, this isn’t going to be easy! The first challenge given to us was to come up with a mission statement for our photography blogs. “That’s it! This is too hard, I’m throwing in the towel,” I thought. I mean let’s be honest. A mission statement?!?

Everyone knows I blog to….



And then I got it. I guess I do need a mission statement.

Photography Blogging Challenge-1 Alisha-0

Initially, I thought I blogged to show photos of my work. Then I realized that can’t be right, I already have those on my website and my Facebook page. I certainly don’t blog for a love of writing, though I’m working on that! So why do I blog? I realized after some thought that, yes, I do want to show off my images and latest weddings and sessions. But I also want to show you who I am, who your photographer is not only artistically, but also as a person.

So…What is my mission statement then?

I want my clients, both present and future, to know who I am as an artist AND as I person and I will use my blog to help me with this goal.


And on that note, I’m sharing a photo of myself and my family hanging out in our backyard on the Fourth of July this year! There’s nothing more perfect about summer to me than a hot, Wisconsin backyard picnic with my friends and family! I hope you are all having a fantastic summer!!

Wisconsin Summer photograph

Wisconsin Summer photograph

Why do I blog?

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Alisha we’re so excited that you’re participating in the blogging challenge!! We can’t wait to keep reading and enjoying your blog! – Elizabeth @ Showit.co

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